* The students are urged to take part in various Sports activities after the college hours and the attend the period, devoted to physical training during the college hours.
* The students should be in the proper kit while in the playground.
* Physical training for the students is compulsory twice a week according to the time table.
* Lectures are organized focusing on health and physical education.
* No college player can play for any private team without written prior permission of the Principal. Disciplinary action is liable to take against the defaulter College Identity Card
*An identity card is issued to every student of this college. .This card should be displayed With the help of a specific ribbon provided with it. Not displaying the college identity card may lead to disciplinary action.
* Students are directed to take due care of their identity cards. A fine of Rs.100/- Will be charged for a duplicate in case of loss. . .
* The application for a duplicate card must be supported by an affidavn Signed by the concerned tutor.
* No triplicate is issued under any circumstances.